Veight, Please add me when you have a chance,,,, Lvl 29 Lock . Eastern Time; Weekends/ Weeknight 8-11PM
Well not feeling better but I have my voice back. Let me see if I can get my hunter to 26 over the weekend and maybe we can get something put together Monday night
I'm sorry guys but I'm going to have to call this off for tonight. My kids have passed on their sickness to me and I have lost my voice on top of feeling bad. If I just felt like crap I would power thru but no voice makes leading a raid kinda hard. I will try to put another one together soon.
Lvl 28 Titan. Have done raid a few times. Would be willing to help if you have open spots. GT laspeofreason
If you need a hand for this sometime, let me know. I would be willing to help out. Probably would have at least 1 or 2 more that would help out as well. We are all experienced and min lvl 29 and usually on around 9 CST
Veight, Sorry I missed this post, and 3 other posts about VoG runs for beginners!! Added you and will keep and eye out for new updates. Feel better soon... GT MF Dunn Lvl 29 lock / Sunbro No raid experience
Lvl27 hunter up for this if u do it again. Haven't done it yet but want to bad
Also - i'm down to give the raid a shot tomorrow night if anyone is up for it?
I was wondering what happened last night. No problem though - we've all been there. That's what I love about this group; everyone knows "$hit happens" and doesn't get bent out of shape.
Would love to get in on the scheduled attempt. Almost lvl 27 Titan. X1 GT: ACSnowman
No problem. Hope you feel better.
Feel free to add me and I'll join if I'm on. I run with three other high level guardians if you need more than one. We're all good but can't seem to find six and welcome any help.
I would love to since I've only been in there once and haven't finished but I don't think I'll be on that late
I'm in if you have room. Haven't had the chance to run the Raid yet. Lvl 28 Hunter
I'm in for Thurs night - at least for an hour or so - if you need help. I've only to it twice, but I picked up a lot in those runs. GT = id here. Lvl 29 Titan.