Me and my buddy that play talk like that but we are all in the same unit at fort bliss but when i play with other people i tend not to say much cause the army has killed my filter, its had not to come off as offensive to people. Especially trying to control what i say around my 1year old and 2 year old
Stfu gayfag [spoiler]I'm one of them!. [/spoiler]
I know! Today I was checking on xur as well while working and read things like "fusion rifle users are trash!, Lvl 29's shouldn't be ordering around lvl 30's in raids!, etc". However, being a grown literate man who enjoys reading books from time to time, I find some of responses amusing.
Saw this the other day and think its fitting for this topic. I hope I raise my son to be better than many of the kids and young people I see on open forums and hear on COD and other games.
I know what you mean... if I had to play with some of those venomous people I think I would stop playing!! The DoD clans actually make playing Destiny fun, with everyone being polite, civil, and understanding. I started watching some of the youtube videos of recorded games, and I couldn't believe how vile and cruel the teenagers were to each other!! And these were supposedly their friends that they regularly play with. I mean, we were bad as well when we were teens, but never to that extent. Every other sentence was a rant on how stupid or lame this person was. I mean, everyone in that party was basucally calling everyone else a useless stupid turd. Has this generation of teens really gone that far downhill?