Edited by Hooey75: 11/22/2014 1:09:41 PMTakes a special kind of man to raise another's child. With that being said, blood or not, it falls on you to help raise her, making you a dad, so in my eyes, you qualify. Welcome to the group! Now you just have to figure out which clan within the DoD you'd like to be a part of.
Nice man, we are in the same boat, married my wife who has a 10 year old daughter(she was 7 when we married) good luck man. And it takes a special kind of man to raise a child not their own.
Welcome! This is the place to be. There's plenty of great folks to jump on fire teams with. PSN Destro_43
http://www.dadsofdestiny.net Just head over to the DoD website it's the easiest way to find a clan.