Ps4 badabing0186
Thundercat_87 I'm usually on between 12am-2am and 9ish am-12pm est during the week,
I work crazy hours, but I always try to find some time to do a few strike missions. If anyone needs a strike or raid team mate my PSN is S1NIST3R
I play in the evenings from 6pm to 10pm usually and anytime on weekends pacific time zone. My PSN is battlemace. I play on PS3 and 4. I'm trying to get enough friends that play on ps4 to do raids and strikes. What time zone are you and when do you usually play?
My psn Id is bleached. I have a variable schedule at work so my play times are inconsistant, but I get a lot of good playtimes. I usually raid with my clan, but can always use friends to fill in spots when we don't have enough on.
Hi, AbeloloUS, usually between 6PM-9PM EST. Sunsinger lvl 29 I'm looking for Raid buddies.
mrbuckeye1012. On between 10pm - 1am most nights.
Add me for playtime between 9pst and midnight. And if u want friends or group action, in a clan with some cool guys. Knowledgable n stuff. I set my strike team to public, clans small, but want to keep it to friends with enuff support. TankOfTheFranks, add me, lets do damage.