Wife shut down my ps4 and told me to pack and leave. Apparently I play too much. Half the way trough the last match: winning and less than 100 rep missing from rank 3.
Same problem here. I got to level 5 10 minutes before the end only release I did not have enough glimmer to get anything.
I didn't get burned by it but got burned out by it...last night I went to bed and everytime I closed my eyes some hunter, warlock or titan was trying to shoot me in the face...my eyes kept flashing that red flash when you are getting shot...at least the IB grind got me some gear..now if I can just make it through the day w/o punching someone or throwing knives in the face of someone that suprises me....think I need to decompress.
I just about got my boots for rank 30, I had the same issue with glimmer lol I spent it all the the raid on ammo
Spent the last two days running strikes in the hopes of getting more motes of light to reforge the IB scout rifle, never got 1. Whole lot of glimmer tho. Guess that was karma for re rolling over n over when I first got it and not sticking w the good roll I had the 3rd of the11 attempts late sat night.