Hey, same here. I'm in the us, gt same as name. I try to game at least one a day but times are usual infrequent. I work mostly at home but also have kid to take care of and business travel when it comes up. So yeah it's hit and miss when I'm online.
Same as everyone else here, add me if you need an extra gun! GT is same as name.
Ok, all have been added thks again and I hope to see u all in game
Feel free to add me Gt: Swerve54, always good to have someone to raid with!
My god I, m such an idiot I miss spelled my GT it is actuly Brewdru. Lol sorry to all that have tryed to add me, I, ve edited the first post. Thks
I hear ya Brew GT : creepyUnkle
Thank you all for the responce, I, ll add you as soon as I, m done with work today. See you in game:)
Welcome.. im always looking for somone to run the nightfall or weeklys with... im in canada so not sure about the time change but add me and im sure we will hook up .... GR8TGMAN...xb1... cheers
That's why I joined up. GT bloodheir feel free to add me
Hey, mate. Add me too! From UK and usually on from 9-10 pm onwards. Everyone I've played with from DoD so far are great! GT: BombJak
Hi, feel free to add me and if I'm on I'm always willing to do whatever...GT is the same as my name here and I'm in California (PST).