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originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
11/28/2014 8:03:41 PM

Snip Snip

So after the birth of our third child this summer, my wife & I started having "the talk" and have decided that three is the number for us. We both work, and my wife isn't really interested in going through the whole process again, especially where she's not getting any younger. After getting the rundown from the doctor, my procedure is scheduled for a couple weeks from now, and I've got a solid weekend in my recliner with Destiny and football on the tube planned. I'm guessing there are some other dads here who have made (or decided against making) the same decision: any advice or other words of wisdom to share?

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  • Afraid to do it myself but isn't it easier for the wives to do it right after delivering (c-sec)? It was an option after having my second but baby mom bailed on the idea.

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    • 27hrs post op now and let me reaffirm, TAKE IT EASY. I was feeling ok, not awesome but not like I was crippled so I did some dishes and made dinner. No biggie. Nothing strenuous. No heavy lifting. Just patting around in the kitchen for an hour somehow translated to getting hit in the junk. I over did it and can feel the difference.

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      • Same as the others have said quick and painless but lots of husband points. I went to the trouble of finding a Dr that would drug me up - totally worth it

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      • I had mine done two years ago. Nothing to worry about at all. Although my surgeon took so long doing the first one the meds ran out for the second one. Brought a tear to my eye, luckily my scream was heard and I got a double dose for him to finish. Good luck to those going ahead with it.

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      • Had it done almost 2 years ago. Best decision I ever let my wife talk me into. The procedure was quick, and almost painless. He was a trip, his advice to me was "give it a week, and start making sure you're cleared out". No more protection, no more worries. It's awesome!

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      • Going to get my done early next year. A little birthday present to the wife and me

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      • Its quick and painless and gives an excuse under doctors orders to sit on your butt and game for a few days straight. Youngest was in middle school when we thought we had another one on the way. 10 days later I was pumped full of Valium and laying on the table.

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      • Had it done after my third child as well. I don't do well with medical procedures and reading some of the posts I wish my doctor had given me something to relax me prior to the procedure. The actual deal only took about 20 minutes and other than the shots to numb it up it really wasn't bad. My youngest was 2 at the time and I was home giving her a bath that night and only needed ice and advil for the pain. Took it as easy as possible then next few days, but really was no real down time. If you can get the okay for "full recovery mode" then take it brother and enjoy your weekend!!!

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      • Had mine done 5 days after my 4th girl. Doc gave me a Valium and hydrocodone to take before I got there, other than one tug it was nothing but cold. He told me to take 1 pill every 4 hours (maybe 6, that was forever ago) whether I thought I needed it or not. Walked 18 the next day. I do not recommend that though.

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      • Edited by Kain15217: 12/3/2014 6:00:37 PM
        Well I'm getting it done on the 16th. Little nervous, but I'm thinking that the benefits will last longer than the pain of having it done. That day just so happens to be my birthday as well, what a great birthday present for me.

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      • The procedure took about 20 minutes and wasn't a big deal once the lidocaine kicked in. I had to get a couple more shots of it to get the full numbing but once it's numb you just feel pressure. Currently 3 hours post surgery. OMG I could literally feel the anesthetic wear off as the pain slowly amped up. It feels like 30 minutes after taking a big hit to the nuts with a couple of 'hot spots' where it hurts a little more. Or, if you've had a serious case of blue balls, it feels a lot like that. The whole sack just aches. Not unbearable but if ibuprofen is taking the edge off I would disagree. Got some hydrocodone which I'm about to take, hopefully it works better. Doc said to milk it for all it's worth and take it as easy as you can. But he also said, rightly, that your SO, if she's given birth, is unlikely to be too sympathetic to your plight. My wife is being very accommodating but she's not going to just let me sit on the couch and play Destiny all day, even though it is what the doctor recommended. But we've got a new born and another under two so she can't handle everything herself while I rest on my laurels. Hopefully you don't need to keep an eye on anyone but yourself for the first 24hrs.

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        • Takes a couple of days, but its soooo worth it!

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        • The first 24 hours after the numbing shot wore off it felt like someone was standing on my nut sack. I took 2 days off of work, but only really needed one.

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        • So nice to know we are not alone. Making the phone call this week! It what it is.

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        • So I'm 25 I had my first daughter last december. And my girlfriend is now pregnant with my second. I know I'm a little young to consider this or even have two kids lol. But I'm responsible father who works three jobs and owns my own home. I have been considering this procedure due to the fact the girlfriend can't go on birth control. Opinions? Judgements? Lol

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          • I work a desk job this time of year, so I've been told I shouldn't be out of commission so long as I have the weekend to chill. Anyone have any issues with their kiddos during the recovery? I have a rambunctious 2 yo girl that I'm just sure is going to find some way to make me uncomfortable.

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            • Get the scalpel free procedure.

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              • I got it done and it was no big deal. But...... Take it easy! I woke the next day feeling fine so I did yard work and cleaned the garage instead of sitting around. Big mistake. Take. It. Easy .

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                • A moment of silence for this mans testicles. (TAPS)

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                • Also you won't be down long. I worked the next day.

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                • Do it don't look back! At some point you will here her say we should have had another. You can breath a sigh of relief.

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                • Not a big deal. Had mine done shortly after our 3rd child was born about 9 years ago now.. Had it done Friday morning then back to work on Monday. I was even pretty normal by Saturday. Enjoy a relaxing weekend. Just remember the day of the surgery no jumping or sudden movements or kids trying hop up on the bed...

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                • Timely discussion. I'm going in this Tuesday to get it done while my wife is still on maternity leave. Not looking forward to it at all. My 2yo loves to climb around on me and she loves for me to follow her around and play with her. Neither of those things will be a good idea for a couple of days. Plus my wife will have her hands full with the new born. I wish I could just sit back and play some Destiny all day but I think I'm gonna have to dad up. =/

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                  • Imagine this topic in the general forums.

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                    • I had it done after my 3rd child was born and in truth it's no big deal , was back in work on the Monday after having it on the Friday

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                    • Not a big deal at all. Stock up on frozen peas they are the best ice pack after the procedure. Also when the doctor says take it easy he means it. A friend of mine did not heed the dr's advice and he paid the price, I saw the pics it was not pretty.

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