Another member of Dads of Destiny 360 USA here and I'm working on my 3rd guardian so I'm always looking for partners on 360 for weekly, nightfall, and raids. Hit me up even if I've already done it for the week.
Hey, I'm part of a recognized DoD clan called Servants of the Crow King. We're dads who do runs together and with others. Fun, positive, casual, still get the job done. We're a small clan, but we're always up for new members/clan mates. Play on Xbox 360, North America PT-ET. We'd love to jam with you. [url=http://www.bungie.net/sr/Clan/Forum/478366]http://www.bungie.net/sr/Clan/Forum/478366[/url]
Add me I'm a lvl 28 warlock and always looking to do runs as long as we can finish them. A lot of droppers lately and don't have a lot of time to throw away. I will be on 6:30 est. GT same as name.
Edited by DavidVibez: 11/29/2014 3:05:06 PMWe have a clan called Dads of Destiny 360 USA and you are welcome to join. The members are always up for helping others - www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/546562 You can always add me as well, GT is same as name