Last thing to add, multiplayer is necessary for some exotic bounties and getting some legendary equipment. Its a pain in the ass especially when 2 or more people on the other team are holding Suros Regimes or the last word but just learn to use that wonderful radar and time your shots.
Alright so marks and rep are given based upon different things. Vanguard- marks are given when you complete public events and strikes. Rep is given when you complete bounties and patrol missions. Crucible- marks and rep are given at the end of each match while more rep is given for completed bounties. For each of the different companies( fwc, new monarchy, dead orbit) you get rep when you have their class item equipped(which you buy from their respected vendor) now the rep you would normally gain for the vanguard are now given to that company instead while wearing the item. Spin metal, helium, relic iron and spirit bloom are materials used to upgrade specific items that are grade rare and above, now when you get to legendary equipment on the last three damage/defense upgrades you are required to have ascendant shards/energy(shards for armor energy for weapons). These are gained from daily heroic missions(lvl 28), random drops during public events, random when you go to the cryptarch with legendary engrams and when you dismantle legendary items. Now due to the recent hotfix/patch exotics are no longer required to use ascendant materials, they require something called exotic shards which you get from xur(7 strange coins) or from dismantling exotics items. If you need any other assistance let me know :)