I feel your pain... I can usually get on most nights but not until 9 to 10pm UK time. I have a 2 and nearly 4 year old. By the time there in bed and iv got the house jobs done and other bits it's getting to that time. Then the wife's wants to watch a film and I'm sat there watching it but really thinking "I wonder who's online" lol...
You can sleep when your dead
I agree with that, I can't find people to do the night fall or raid. My brother always bales on me. I need help lol!
Djbeatright said it the best. It isn't a race, well we known it is for some, but you see the point we are all making. It's all about having fun, that's what matters the most. I have no problem running missions with someone leveling up a new character or there first character, we are here to help each other along the journey. Play when you can, and enjoy it! See you amongst the stars guardian, well that is if your on an Xbox 360 ;-)
A wise man once told me, sleep us for the weak and childless.
Don't think of it as being behind. It's your experience when you do play. I think most of us would be happy to share some time playing and imparting our knowledge. But what really matters is that you're having a good time. If you aren't getting enough time... well that sucks.... can't help with that.
Ditto. If I get to game, it's always super late, & this is the wrong time of year for me to be lacking sleep...
I work 7/12hour shifts in row.. then off for 7 days... there is no time for gaming when im working let alone my family... i know how you feel... sometimes ill get creative and give the boys the option ... do you guys wanna fold this laundry or empty the dishwasher.... or grind out a few rounds in the crucible for me...lol.. which is ok cause i hate pvp more than doing laundry....yeah i said it...... nobody teabags my dead body when im folding towels... honestly i think its the great bunch of guys ive met here that makes me wanna play more or feel like im missing something if im not playing. Single player games are great but this sense of community that has been created here is amazing... why else would somebody wanna run the nightfall or weekly when theyve already done it this week ... you do it cause you are a dod and sometimes its about helping someone else get through and hoping they get a good drop...i did the vog twice last week with a bunch of dods and had a great time both times i got chatterwhite and shards and saw others get great drops but it was totally worth it because we had a good time and worked through it together....so yeah dont worry if you dont get as much time as you want ... just remember when you finally di get online there will be plenty of us willing to help you out....
This game isn't a race, just remind yourself of that. Enjoy it as you can and don't beat yourself up if your friends got blessed by RNGesus because I'm sure they would share if they could.
I hear ya!