I only play tuesdays from 9pm PT - 1am PT currently lvl 28 Hunter, not ready for VOG til i hit 29 and max out my gear, but add me anyways. GT - Achiever3
Shameful bump.
If you like count me in. My new schedule will have me getting on off at 630 so I may be cutting it close sometimes :/. Gt raven1179
I am willing to do it but I can't reliably get on until 930 pm EST or 830 CST
We're looking for one more and we've already got 5 30's if you're interested in raiding each Tuesday around 8:30est PS4 PSN: matthewholley
I could do this! Lvl 29 Warlock here; friends have bailed on this game, and I've maxed out what I can do on my own. Still a VoG Virgin, but competent; check my profile and see if I pass muster. I'm on the Xbone, and very interested!