Add me. Usually on in the morning or after 8 central. Gamertag same as name on here
Always looking for a good time.... add me GR8TGMAN xb1
Hey Man - be happy to help out in strike - raid or anything else! GT: nosfera7u Man Cheers!
Add me too..Xbox One..GT same as name here...Bay Area California...closing in on the half century mark!
Lvl 27 warlock. Feel free to add me. I'm in Washington state. I'm on at least Friday and Saturday nights.
Wraith, I'm in Reno, NV so we're in the same time zone. GT: game daddy70 Funny, I'm a 44yr old kid as well.
Hey. Always looking for guys to play with. Hoping to do a full raid this weekend. I'm from Texas so central time. Usually on late evenings and weekends. My GT: ACSnowman Feel free to add me, I'll add you later when I get home.
Where you from wraith?