Add me. Gt same as here.
Add me. Gt same as here
added...also adding people on this post to expand DoD network..LVL 30 Titan and just started lvling up my baby Hunter (12) and Warlock (4)
GT is Silvered Wolfe. Always looking for people to play Destiny with.
I'm up for an add. My GT is beerrunner83 See you out there
Add me, I'm always looking for more ppl to run strikes and raids with
Edited by ACSnowman: 12/8/2014 6:29:02 PMAdd me, GT is same as above. Always looking for teammates. Oh, and I'm on most evenings and weekends. Central timezone.
Welcome and feel free to add me...GT same as name here...mostly evenings PST and weekends...Lvl 29 Titan.
Feel free to add me - usually on after 8:00 Eastern Time Zone.
Hello, sir! GT is Deadpixel
Welcome, GT: cobrarsnake
Add me. XBONE lvl 28 Titan maxed weapons. Looking to do weekly TONIGHT at 10 eastern
Check out the DadsOfDestiny.net clan connection page for open clans. http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/370717 is also open.
Add me... GR8TGMAN always looking for someone to run weeklies ...nightfalls and raids with...xb1