I had the same thought! Glad to see in not the only one. It's totally worth it considering you get 2 shards for dismantling a fully upgraded exotic. I take it that you also have the voidfang vestments? :)
I'm also curious. If the upgraded weapons go to "lv32" stats and I likely will not get there for a long time, maybe ever, will I see any difference as opposed to my already maxed exotic weapons? Because of all the hidden number normalizing. If I'm doing lv30 stuff all the time am I even going to make use of upgraded weapons?
Not to mention maxed(or last tier)exotics give 2 shards...I got two from my predlc truth.
I'm thinking of keeping what I have and just buying new, seeing as though glimmer seems to be getting more harder to come by than strange coins lately. I'm having to farm for a couple of hours just to get about 10.000. P.S Keep your hands off Venus it's all mine, mine I tell you lol
Good point. I'm going to save the coin.
Excellent point; thank you! Hadn't thought it through yet.