I'll be doing this tonight (PST) as well, already did it once for the "old" 300 ATK weapon and doing again for the shiny upgraded version. Should be okay, I almost solo'd it with non-optimal weapons but am better kitted out this time (Murmur and maxed VoC). If anyone is on Xbone tonight and wants in, my GT is Tofu Tornado - send a message if you see me online.
Edited by Crzy-Cowboy: 12/16/2014 8:21:09 PMI would gladly help because I need to beat him too for my warlock. I am on PS4. PSN: Crzy-Cowboy
I need to get this done as well. I'm on XB1. I'm going to complete this tonight. If you want help out send me a message.
I need to run the strike as well. Am free pretty much all day so message me. Xone. Deathdeal420
Advice: Shoot him.
i'm up for Xyor kill