Maybe they'll put your experience as the new raid in the next dlc!!!
Just a quick update......made it... barely.... after dropping a grand in eb games for my two boys i went best buy and bought the wife a 50 inch LED tv.... no really i have a 50 inch plasma for gaming this was for the living room... so we get out alive and get home and im gonna be good guy and set up the tv and bluray for her.....and thats when my weekly turned into a nightfall... missing all the screws for the base !!! BOOM !!!!kicked back to space...well actually back to bestbuy for the screws (40 mins one way) not very happy about it as you can imagine... but as any good guardian would i bit my lip put my head down and pushed through.... so now its almost 11:30 pm and im gonna go take it out on some baddies in space... thanks for all the positve comments and advise dods it killed a little time in the mall and made me laugh....
Good luck. I buy so much online now I hardly ever need to go to a mall.
Good luck guardian, there are hordes out there unlike any you've faced before and unfortunately there is no burn and you can't even bring a hand cannon with you....throwing knives are also frowned upon by security. Lightswitch and Angry will both be enabled.
One word Amazon but if you have to go go with the might of titan, wisdom of a warlock,and speed of a hunter
I work at a department store in a mall as security. I don't envy you the least. Be brave guardian. And remember, there is no shame in retreat.