My 21 year old son is home from college and he completed it for me....You might try hiring a teenager for a day ;-)
Good luck, man. I hate PvP and suck hard on Crucible -- something like 0.2 KD. After a couple hours of trying to work this part of the Thorn quest and not seeing the meter move much beyond 0 for any length of time, I rage abandoned it.
Rumble works as well...one other guy & I did rumble with a guy for his bounty, & he knocked it out in a couple hours
I'm on ps4 with same problem, stuck on crucible part, I would like to do fast option one but nobody to do it with
Need two more people arc heavys and solar special. Add kobra _457
later, on the Xyor the Unwed, i need help on if someone could assist, that would be nice. msg. UnfixedArm on 360 if you're interested
I'm on this too and it sucks. I've only recently come to the pvp side and it's fun...even if my k/d is about 0.8. But the highest I saw my bounty number up to was 20 (I got first place by some miracle). Then it went to zero the next match. So if I can only get to 500 via first place finishes and no horrible matches then it'll take me approximately.....eternity to earn. I think I'm going to abandon this bounty :(
Sent you a message earlier, I've got some folks eager to help us out tonight if you're able.