Edited by PrimeTime: 12/18/2014 8:56:59 PMPlease feel free to add pllarsen on PS4...DoD with 4 daughters, not interested in playing with teenage d-bags :-) Hoping to group up & do normal VoG sometime after 9pm CST tonight
Thanks guys, I've sent everyone a request hope I didn't miss anyone. I love to help out and play for fun..I am currently fixing up my warlock to be my main player. Look forward to playing with all of you.
Edited by royalduckking: 11/2/2017 7:51:17 PM
PS4-TwistedEvo lvl 30 Titan, lvl 26 Warlock. With three girls and a step son, I'm on whenever I can. Add me if you want to.
Im on alot and love to help everyone. Im also a father of 2 boys. PSN Tha_Family7
U can add me psn is Fliggaman
PSN: ANONGREY 1 boy usually on around 8-10 CST WOuld love to raid more. Have done VoG once on normal is all. 30 warlock.
Hey guy you can add me too
You can add me
badabing0186 I have an almost lvl 30 warlock...(just need some mats to put over the edge)
You can add me. My PS4 tag is dmac90. Lvl 30 Warlock, haven't done a raid yet and would love try one. Also a dad of 1 boy and 1 girl.
Edited by WogFU: 12/16/2014 11:23:55 PMYou can add me. My GT WogFU. Level 28 Warlock. two boys and a girl. Sorry I'm XB1, didn't see that you are PS4
I'm in. Lvl 29 Hunter, Lvl 23 Warlock, and half-heartedly working on my Titan. Gamer ID should just be Herbaugh. I try to play either right after work around 4 PM EST or after 7 PM EST depending on what my wife wants to do that night. I have a flexible schedule on the weekends.
You can add me my psn is the same as here, just put DoD in the friends request...I'm mostly on pretty late...1 - 4am but if you see me on shoot me a invite, unless i'm tied into something else i'll jump in...i'm usually game to help out with anything.
Add me. Lvl 29 Titan. Usually on around 10pm cst after twin boys go to bed. althor21