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Dads of Destiny

"A Community For Gaming Dads."

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    WELCOME FRIENDS Dads Of Destiny is a gaming community started by a single idea sent into the atmosphere by a great group of like-minded individuals. [b]Family[/b] - Is always first and foremost in every aspect of this community. [b]Work[/b] - Do I have too? Yes we all do and someone will be there for you no matter when you're off work. [b]Gaming[/b] - Limited time to game? Some do some don't. You'll always find a place to fit in here at Dads Of Destiny Gaming Community. We're not about pressure or competition or kd/r's but more specifically about how you want to enjoy your precious game time with the people you want to enjoy it with. There is a real sense of family within the community that plays a big role in the actions of the community.

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originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
Edited by Badabing: 12/21/2014 5:54:14 PM

Repost from the main forum

This is from the main forum..its a letter to all the Xmas noobs! [quote]Here is some [b]Super Good Advice[/b] for playing Destiny. Make sure you have the [b]Patience and Time[/b] to deal with the grind, or you could suffer the [b]Fate of All Fools[/b]. When doing a raid, don’t be [b]The Comedian[/b] who thinks they know what to do, as you may just find yourself in [b]The Swarm[/b] of mobs, and just as your about to see [b]Red Death[/b] or worse, you could be a [b]Bad Seed Down[/b], a guardian may come along and help you see the [b]Light / Beware[/b] though, as you may become a [b]Thorn[/b] in the guardians side, and suffer from some [b]Bad Juju[/b]. If you have some doubt about doing something, but feel that a guardian is an [b]Unfriendly Giant[/b] towards your questions, then IMO, it’s always best to start with an [b]Ice Breaker[/b]. [b]The Supremacy[/b] of that guardian’s knowledge could give you [b]The Chance[/b] of defeating a [b]Final Boss[/b]. [b]The Cure[/b] for [b]The Crash[/b] that you may experience by playing Destiny is [b]The Culling[/b] of the petting zoo; and only when you do will the [b]Truth[/b] dawn on you. [b]The Calling[/b] you feel from [b]The Devil You Know[/b] aka the Cryptarch to change engrams in to something useful, could feel like you are in [b]Monte Carlo[/b] gambling under a [b]Hard Light[/b]; so always make sure you have a [b]Plan C[/b]; otherwise the [b]Lord High Fixer[/b] will unleash the [b]Cryptic Dragon[/b] on you. And as you know, the house always wins. So I come to the end of my [b]Super Good Advice[/b] for you, and I hope that the [b]Fatebringer[/b] will help you with [b]Atheon’s Epiloge[/b]. I know my advice may seem [b]Strange Suspect[/b] to you, but the [b]Thunderlord [/b]has allowed me to have [b]The Last Word[/b]. [b]Gjallarhorn[/b] p.s. [b]Doctor Nope[/b] says: To get rid of that [b]Dragon's Breath[/b] you have, gargle with mouth wash. Rinse and repeat daily - I know its a grind, but you never know what may happen when you go to [i]The Dark Below[/i]. [i]The House of Wolves[/i] may soon be at your door looking for their [b]Universal Remote[/b]; and I would suggest if you have lost it, offer them the [b]MIDA Multi-Tool[/b] instead. And who knows, you just might get to [b]Pocket Infinity[/b] whilst they are under the [b]Vision of Confluence[/b] [/quote]

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