What system? Just need to join one of the clans Murda posted below if on xb1
Edited by xM3GaTR0N7x: 12/25/2014 1:38:17 AMUse LFG group message discussion on reddit or on the DoD main page under raiders, strikers unite to get fast match ups if you can't predict when you can get play time. Good Luck
Hence the reason we need matchmaking. Are you at least getting the solo-able chest in CE?
Any of the DoD clans will work depending on your system. I have a random baby schedule as well. If you are Xbox 360 you can add me.
Hang out with us at Dads of Destiny 360 Charlie, Dads of Destiny 360 Foxtrot, as well as Alpha and Bravo. I think there are are few clan slots still open. We are more than willing to take DoDs on a VoG or CE raid. Just post a msg on the group wall.
I forgot to mention that we are on PS4.
If you are still in search of a clan, please check out DoD Echo clan. We run Nightfall and weekly heroics on Tuesdays, many of the guys run it multiple times because we have multiple characters. Then the rest of the week we run raids and bounties. Raids are grouped randomly by anyone who wants start a raid and others just join in. It is kind of nice that way because then you get a chance to play with different guys and get to know them. We are very easy going with the raids. You can leave in the middle of raids and no one will give you a hard time about it. We use multiple ways to communicate/form raids such as PSN conversation, Bungie.net, and the Teamer app/Teamer.Net. Like the rest of the DoD clans, we have a great group of guys who play regularly and help each other. There is always a raid on Wednesday nights 10 pm CST and other raids are randomly scheduled. We have guys running VOG and Crota raids. So check us out when you get a chance.
DoD IS our clan! I have a small raid group, medium DoD Foxtrot and larger DoD group to find fireteam members from. It's part of being a "D" in DoD. Lining up schedules and availability is more challenging than the raid itself. But one you get out there with a few guys you'll get an idea of who's available when and what their goals are. Over the past months I know who likes to run on Tuesdays right after the reset and the hardcore PvP guys. Like any network or relationship the key is communication. If you need firearms one of the best ways is to run the nightfalls. 3 of us ran last night and got 2 Leg and an Exotic reward. If you are on PS4 Foxtrot is a good clan to run with. http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Playstation/167062 Either way feel free to add me and when I available I'll roll with you. PSN: Destro_43
If your on PS4, add me: pbmorrell. I run with a couple other DoD members around 9-11 PM EST most week nights. We would be happy to help you out.
Get the Destiny Companion app. I find it really useful for keeping up with the various groups. And getting people together for nightfalls, weeklies and raids
I would say we have that in the Legends clan on X1 and I do a raid on Saturdays and we had someone leading a raid daily but our schedule has kinda fallen apart lately. I'm thinking that's 99% the craziness of the holidays and not DLC related. I know after new years I will be starting up my raid runs again.
http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/167184 http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/370717 http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/171260
What system are you on? If ps4 add me and I can help you run through the nightfall/weekly. I helped a couple guys out last night and we knocked them out, the daily too, in about 45 minutes.