Thanks for the responses, I'll be adding everyone tonight hopefully.
Add me, MST. GT PettyLeech3547
Add me, 28 warlock.
Add me GR8TGMAN xb1...est
DOD SHIELD is an awesome clan very active and easy to find XB1 gamers. Add me GT same as on here.
In CST zone also with 30 Warlock & 29 Titan, GT: mlongoria86
PaL3RiDeR level 30 warlock.
[quote]Hey, Dads, I'm in the central zone, and just getting started on a Titan. I am on PS4 as well, with a 31 Hunter, and two subs above 20. I would like to get some dads added to my XB1. So please send me your gamer tag or send me an invite. GT: carteromanifico Look forward to playing with you!![/quote] TripleOpKing
Psychowarren102 Looking forward to gaming.