Yesterday I would have said: Vex Mythoclast Icebreaker (never leave home without it) Gjallahorn But aside from being ALL solar damage weapons, I picked up Red Death last night and it's final perk is [i]each kill heals you and speeds up reloads[/i]. If this kill/heal perk works the way I think then definitely would be: Red Death Icebreaker Gjallahorn
Thorn Icebreaker Gjallarhorn
Hawkmoon Icebreaker The Gjhorn
My general load out is as follows. Shadow Price Murmur Gjallahorn 2.0 (maxed and proud of it) SP is sometimes swapped with VoC but I can never give up SP.
That I currently own it would go thorn plan c then truth. Ideally suros icebreaker then gallahorn
suros regime patience&time Thundergod
My favorites from exotics I have: Suros Regime P&T (would be IB once I obtain it) Super Good Advice
Primary: Thorn Special: Plan C Heavy: Gjallarhorn