[quote]Hello fellow dads. I'm looking for new friends to do raids with. The crew that I usually run with starts late and I'm unable to join. I usually get on around 8:30-9pm MST Mon-Fri but can start sooner if a raid is scheduled. My gaming time varies on the weekends. Level 31 Warlock (x3) Maxed out weapons Psn is xTWISTDKILL3Rx[/quote] Hi. 31 Hunter here. Add to your friends list. I'd on...I'm game for raids. Thanks! Mythosaur3 on the ps4.
Add me, I'm a lvl 30 Warlock. I have another buddy and myself looking for new friends to raid with. Haven't got a chance to do them yet and I'm looking to hit lvl 32. 34 year old dad right here 😀
Add me cho52788 31 lock (x2) maxed weapons. Cst
Send me an invite, lvl 31 titan
JawRun I hop on about that time.
Loserphenom 31- hunter, warlock, titan
2 31 Titans and 30 Warlock. TitanGuy2385.
I'd like to start Raiding but I don't have any friends to go with, I'm going to send you a friend request. z_MadMax Lvl 29 Warlock
Count me in. Level 31 Titan. I'll send you a friend request. I'm on most nights.
Ya man I'm on most nights that time. Level 31 warlock and titan.