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This needs posted on the lfg located at
I'd be interested. Add me - GT same as ID here.
I'll be running it Friday night and Saturday. I have to go through three times if you're interested in joining me drop me a line. Can't make it tonight or I would. Gamertag: InRagedMerk (xb1&ps4) Location / time zone: North America/EST Game preferences (strikes, raids, nightfall,weekly): All Main character class: Titan lv30,warlock lv30, hunter lv30 on between4-7pm mon-Thursday and most of Friday night and available sat-sun. Feel free to add me and I'll do the same. If you see me on feel free to join.
FaeDadi 31 warlock lfg Crota
I'll do it add me. I have done crota on all three but I still need to run everything else on two of them.