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    WELCOME FRIENDS Dads Of Destiny is a gaming community started by a single idea sent into the atmosphere by a great group of like-minded individuals. [b]Family[/b] - Is always first and foremost in every aspect of this community. [b]Work[/b] - Do I have too? Yes we all do and someone will be there for you no matter when you're off work. [b]Gaming[/b] - Limited time to game? Some do some don't. You'll always find a place to fit in here at Dads Of Destiny Gaming Community. We're not about pressure or competition or kd/r's but more specifically about how you want to enjoy your precious game time with the people you want to enjoy it with. There is a real sense of family within the community that plays a big role in the actions of the community.

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originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
1/8/2015 7:06:58 PM

Man I suck

I've been playing a lot of crucible lately. Mainly capture the flag. I suck! I might get 2-3 kills against my 10-15 deaths. I've been watching videos to try and help get a little strategy but so far Still just an easy kill. Anyone got any tips advice or whatever. I love the campaign but PvP is so much fun, even though I just die.

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  • If u r having fun it doesnt matter if ur not that good, as long as ur enjoying it.

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    2 Replies
    • I'm gonna share with you my secrets for doubling and tripling my K/D ratio. All the advice you have read so far is good but it's actually putting it into practice that matters. You'd be surprised with how little it actually has to do with skill - well maybe until you get to certain level then skill matters. I play Control almost exclusively because there is safety in numbers and there is less likely hood of being up against an organized fire team like in skirmish or even rumble. 1) Don't die! No sarcasm intended. I had a habit of approaching every encounter like it was PVE. I would just jump in and start shooting and that gets you killed real fast and often. Know where to hide when you have to. 2) LEARN THE MAPS. Yep you've heard that before but until I really learned the maps I was screwed. That will only come with hours of playing. When I get a new map I will hang out in only one area until I know it real well then move to another area. 3) Safety in numbers. I had a tendency to wander around by myself. That gets you dead fast. Don't go anywhere without 2-3 blue dots in front of you. Better to overpower the enemy then the enemy overpower you. 4) Reload. - This one may be only me problem. I use an auto rifle and I do not have good reload habits. I usually lose at least one encounter a game because I started the dual with only 1-2 bullets in the chamber. Those shoulda been wins. 5) Radar. How could I not mention radar? That's a habit you have to get into over time so that you really can see and react. If it's just the pie crust they are in rifle range. If it's pink pizza they are close but maybe another level. If it's red pizza they are on other side of the wall or right on top of you. DON"T LET PIZZA GET BEHIND YOU - YOU WILL DIE. Anytime pizza is behind me I make it my first priority to change the situation. 6) Radar 2.0 - Squat. Learn to recognize squat. Putting together you're knowledge of the maps with knowing hiding places you can be prepared. If you see a pizza suddenly go to crust then disappear, keep an eye on it, if it blinks again he is hiding or sneaking up on you. So most of the above is to keep you alive. Stay in groups. Don't initiate an encounter unless you know that it's in your favor and you know how to approach it. Now my advice for actually getting kills. 1) Aim for the head - duh,, Reload - duh 2) Figure out your goto moves and your goto gear set up. I'm a Titan. I like grenades. I wear a two grenade chest piece and my stats and perks are geared to grenade cool down. For me it ain't a fight until I've dropped at least one grenade on you. So on each map I know where that strategy works best for me. 3) Now that I know the maps, have a good eye for radar and have played enough to know the tendency of teams I can plan my attacks. That only came with time and honestly it was after about 350 games that I finally figured out what I was doing. 4) Heavy Weapon Ammo - This isn't always a sure thing. First you got to know where and they, and you need to be safe when you pick it up but it has been a game changer for me on many occasions. I always go for it. It usually works to my favor. So doing all that I went form .49 K/D to over 1.0 overnight. LOL TL:DR Don't die.

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      • Weirdly I have phases, I'll play one map and get 18 kills and 5 deaths, half hour later same map I'll get 2 kills 15 deaths. I blame the universe, its trying to balance things out lol. Best advise i can give is watch your radar. Try to keep a feel of what and who is around you, dont be afraid to retreat if you see two segments light up or two suddenly join into one. Usually means your out numbered, even if you pop one of them you'll likely die and give points away. That is unless you've got a super ready or some rocket ammo, you'll usually come out on top in those situations. Weapon wise id use a fusion rifle, a centered(ish) shot with a decent rifle usually kills in one so you dont have to worry about trying to get head shots. Start the charge as you turn a corner, if theres no one there just let the charge die. To be honest though mate i wouldnt worry to much about it, its all about having fun at the end of it, getting better just comes with practise.

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        2 Replies
        • Anyone up for joining up in crucible to do 500 point void damage for exotic bounty. Im useless in crucible too lol. Lets unite and get the bounty the easy way. Started thread for people to join up

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          4 Replies
          • I'm with you..I suck...makes me so mad...I am one of those that get mad and break out the comedian and start shorting everything..

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            2 Replies
            • Don't worry..You are not alone..!! I even worse than you..LOL I die in every second.. I am 46 years old with 1 kid (17 yo) When we play together in a fireteam...he kills like 6-10 times more than I do..! And He doesn't play during school days..weekend only..! I play everyday anytime I want...but still He easily kills me with no time in PvP..LOL Onetime during a trike agains a boss...I was super busy jump Up and down running..firing..hiding. He fighting the boss a drop..tag banner. I stepped on it too. I was bunny banner. When the strike done...he kills like 336..I kill 96. He never died. I died many times..And I spotted..His Banner Was Bunny..!!! So even during the strike..he can spent time to change the banner...LOL I am Titan level 31 (on other GT)...I have this level just because I had spent billion hours playing it...:) We should DoD again DoD in PvP...LOL

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              3 Replies
              • Response rate of tv or monitor could also be an issue.

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              • The more you play the better you will learn the maps and find points to either ambush or camp out. The other thing to keep in mind is that it's much easier to get kills when you outnumber the opposition. Hang with others on your team and it will get easier.

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              • I am a bullet sponge.. its my way of giving back to the seriously im kids tell me so all the time

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              • I have a over all k/d of 1.01 in control. I use the OODA LOOP.

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              • I have the same issues....I've stuck to raids :)

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              • Same here. I'm wondering if my reaction time is just slow compared to some of the 15 year old kids I'm playing against. It seems like they've shot me in the face with a rocket launcher before I can even aim.

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              • {Fusion rifles} get good at those and non shall stand in your way. Autorifles too.

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              • I feel you, I still do the crucible but I suck so bad I think people let me kill them just so I feel like I did something.

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              • I suck as well, but I have noticed the more I play it, the better I get. Practice makes perfect or closer to it. That's probably the best advice I can give. I still die more often than anyone else I know, but instead of my normal 1-2 kills a session, I'm averaging 5 kills now

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              • Don't feel bad, my average is only a .57 k/d. It wasn't until the last few days I figured out a good load out and Void Walker Spec to use. Last few games have been averaged 1.0 to 3.0 k/d. It just takes time and experience. Good thing is that you don't have to have the best of the best weapons in crucible to be competitive with everything being essentially the same damage wise. Iron Banner well thats a different story.

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                1 Reply
                • I have fun with it as well, but I stick with Control then CTF because it seems that there is more of a reward for defending/capturing points.

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                  • Don't worry. You will get better over time.

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                  • Don't feel bad man your not the only one. I have a more death ratio, than kill. As it been said before, as long your haven fun.

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