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Dads of Destiny

"A Community For Gaming Dads."

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    WELCOME FRIENDS Dads Of Destiny is a gaming community started by a single idea sent into the atmosphere by a great group of like-minded individuals. [b]Family[/b] - Is always first and foremost in every aspect of this community. [b]Work[/b] - Do I have too? Yes we all do and someone will be there for you no matter when you're off work. [b]Gaming[/b] - Limited time to game? Some do some don't. You'll always find a place to fit in here at Dads Of Destiny Gaming Community. We're not about pressure or competition or kd/r's but more specifically about how you want to enjoy your precious game time with the people you want to enjoy it with. There is a real sense of family within the community that plays a big role in the actions of the community.

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originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
1/13/2015 3:39:14 PM

Spousal Fury

Does anyone else's wife hate destiny? Mine tolerates crucible matches because of the timer, but....

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  • Buy her flowers. Expensive ones.

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  • My Mrs hates me playing constantly telling me I'm a child for playing it and that I should grow up and constantly giving me the eyes one night she actually turned the power of mid raid man was I pissed and the funny thing is its her that tells me to play it even when I tell her I'm going to have a night off you can never win first they don't want you to play then they are telling you to play

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    2 Replies
    • After what can best be described as an addiction to WoW. She doesn't mind destiny. XB1 in the family room and she gets to monitor me. And being in the kids main play area adds a natural limiting factor.

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    • My wife hates when I do either of the raids. I've finally got a team that want to raid on a regular basis, but we all have not had the time or teammates in the past, so we're learning as we're going. I've told her we will get quicker and in the long term I will be playing Destiny less hours per week as I focus on raids and nightfall.

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    • Mines pretty cool she doesn't complain to much I play when I get home from work till it's time to put my middle one to sleep then it's shower and us time which is only an hour sometimes less she and I have a bad tendency to just fall out once or heads hit are pillows on my off days she encourages me to game all day because I'm usually in her way if I'm not. I work 12 hrs always so I'm not home a lot plus it's in the living room so I'm still interacting with the kids and she's happy

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    • Mine gets jealous because she wants to play her titan :/

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      3 Replies
      • Have you read these replies ?! Seems like most of us are suffering from this form of .... Guys we need this forum... just so the next time my wife starts telling me how stupid this xbox "thingy" is quietly inside ill smile and chuckle a little knowing that somewhere mabye california or new zealand or texas some other DOD is getting the same speech... so be a good dad and a good husband... its all anybody can ask of you. Dont get mad at your wife for not understanding the grip destiny has on you...btw... i heard bungie is putting the finishing touches on the final boss for the next dlc... (spoiler alert)... ITS YOUR WIFE !!!!!

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        3 Replies
        • This week I helped some clan mates with nightfall. My wife was doing some homework for a class she has and told me "it's cool if you play". The next morning, my wife was furious that I chose to play destiny instead of doing dishes. She screamed at me on the phone. Oopf.

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        • I got the talk last night... I'm down to Destiny 2 nights a week for the foreseeable future -_-

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          • I used to race cars. $20k racecar, $500/race, dangerous, smelly, time-intensive, messy garage. Now I play games. She rolls eyes, but I think is secretly glad I'm out of racing. Plus, as a bonus to me, far less relationship stress!

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          • I really can't understand. She gets pissed when i blast Atheon in the face with a Gjallarhorn. (Might have whispered a YEAH! At two o'clock at night) To solve this problem, I build a soundproof mancave and now she's more pissed than ever! What the hell does it matter what i do when she sleeps? I drink less. Spend no money. Have fun and being social. WHEN SHE SLEEPS! How the hell is that a problem?

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            10 Replies
            • One night I got an invite to do something in Destiny and my wife gave me another option so I replied back saying would be happy to join but my wife has given me a better offer. Think I offended him, he hasn't invited me to anything since.

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              • Edited by TankOfTheFranks: 1/28/2015 6:26:53 AM
                Last night, random hookup with another DoD striking i think. I had bounties i needed to close so i joined up. Guy was super cool so i end up messaging him cordially about strategy on mission. I spoke with him early in mission then switched to music. Headphones were dedicated to hard rock playlist (loud music obviously, becomes more relevant in a min). However i must have sounded to this guy prompted a sh@tfest bitch session 20 ft away in family room from president wife. I play with hdst, on left ear, slightly off ear right 2 hear for kids. I think i heard this much: 'oh so cute how u coordinate...' 'He must be a catch...' 'If only...<something>....when i want <something>...' 'You're such a warrior.......' I slid my right headphone over my right ear and cranked up ac/dc at this point. Luv her but she can suck it when im gaming.

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              • Oh my womanfolk hates the destiny. I tell her "but its my destiny"!!!! She sees little to no love for my destiny.

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                2 Replies
                • All posts are neglecting the intimacy factor. I switched sexy times to mornings so I can play at night. Works so well she could be studying her Accounting degree in the same lounge room and not make a single cynical comment. Except for "you're such an effing nerd sometimes", when I chat to others. She laughs but I know she means it ...sigh I do loose sleep though. Especially with a 5 month bubba.

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                  • Another Destiny widow. My wife will no longer even speak to me if destiny is on.

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                    2 Replies
                    • I learned how to spike my wife's iced tea with Nyquil. I PLAY ALL NIGHT NOW BITCHES!!!!!

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                      • Mines not a serious fan but she doesn't like me drinking beer or having a handlebar mustache either so....

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                      • My wife is cool with it. I make time for her, and I don't get on till the kids are in bed and the daily chores are done. I was playing video games before I meet her, and never hid it or "downplayed" my interest. She knew what she was getting into! LOL! She plays some Co-Op games with me - Diablo 3, Splinter Cell. At the end of the day, you know what they say; happy wife...

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                        3 Replies
                        • My wife tolerates my gaming hobby as long as I still show her attention and help out around the house. It's a balancing act and lately I've not been good about it because I've really been getting sucked into Destiny. Still, she knows it's good for me and helps me relax and de-stress. By that same token I don't give her a hard time when she wants to go to the gym or running. So I think we do a pretty good job of respecting each other's "thing" but just need to make sure they don't become too consuming.

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                          • Mine hated Warcraft so much that she actually loves the fact that destiny was powerful enough to permanently pull me away from it

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                          • I've learned if I spend 45 minutes just listening to her about her day after getting the kids in bed, she is cool about it. However when she is tired and wants to go to bed she insists I come lay in bed with her. Even when I remind her she will be sleeping she insists I lay next to her while she falls asleep. Hence.....remote play on my vita.....

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                            • Yes... my wife hates when i play... any game... she doesnt get it.. at all... and she tells me on a daily basis that she doesnt get it. Which is when i explain i dont get having 17 pairs of brown shoes...even if they are different shades of

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                              9 Replies
                              • [quote]Does anyone else's wife hate destiny? Mine tolerates crucible matches because of the timer, but....[/quote] I fixed my angry wife problem by playing my games through the computer monitor instead of the TV. Now she don't mind so much. I'm playing games in the living room with one ear off my headset pulled back. She can watch tv while I play destiny and we can talk and have conversation at the same time.

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                                • I love this Group! I feel like we all already know each other! Game on Dads!

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                                • I know that feeling man. This morning, before work, the wife and 5 month old are asleep upstairs and I've got an hour to kill, It's 5am by the way, so I turn all volume down on the surround sound and crank up the turtle beaches. Time to get my destiny on. I'm making my way through CE, solo and flawlessly so far, so I am super pumped. Right as I get the death singer down I hear the creak of footsteps upstairs and straight throw the headphones across the room and do a flying jump over the coffee table to smack the xbox power button. I'm rushing to the kitchen and I can hear the noise of feet on the stairs.i know i have just seconds to react and look busy. So i grab my lunch pail, open the fridge and start loading in random food. I look over my shoulder to see my cat walking down the stairs.... Such is the power of the wife.

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