Yes I have twins, B/G. My dude and I play together on Destiny. Actually one plays and one spots. He's 8 and a crucible killer! Please feel free to add on PS4 DAVSALK or Killer_jackel07
I got twin girls, their 14 going on 21 now. The first year was a fog, i don't remember much except lack of sleep. One of 'em had colic for 3 months too. But now that was a cake walk compared to teenage years so enjoy while you can.
I have twin boys. I didn't play for a year and a half. They're 2.5 now. Good luck. Ignore people that don't have twins. Just having two or three kids isn't the same. It's rewarding and exhausting with little down time while they're on the bottle and not sleeping. Just put one foot in front of the other and eventually it will pass. Cherish this time. The days are long but the years fast so hold them while they're still and want to be held. The gaming system isn't going anywhere. You can't get these days back. Just my 2 cents
I got a boy and girl twins that are about 18 months now. It was at about 6 months they started sleeping though the night. They will still wake up every now and then due to teething or dogs barking or something like that, but for the most part they are in bed by 7pm and up around 8am.
Hey I have 18 month old twins. They were right around 5 months old when they started sleeping through most of the night. Now they sleep 10-12 hrs unless they are teething. I also have not been able to complete either raid. Have attempted both but never fully finished.
I have twins, as well. 2 years, 4 months old. They sleep through the night, but having a day job means I can't get regular nightly gaming in. I manage most/all of my fragging in the early AM hours on weekends, or while/if they nap and there is nothing else to do with the house (hard to stay in good standing with the missus if you're playing a game while she's giving you the evil eye, doing dishes...). I haven't tried VoG yet, none of my friends play anymore, and trying to get a schedule together is nigh impossible...
I am actually a twin, so i'll just tell you what my parents told me. yes, the infant stage of twins is really tough at first. but, trust me, it will get better. later on, most parents will still have to let the kid get tired to go to bed. with twins, you can lay them down in the same crib and let them tire each other out. on an unrelated note, they will seem like they're gonna develop they're own language for awhile there. don't worry, it's just a phase. also another bit of something to really dread. potty training. they will probably alternate back and forth with this. one might do good for awhile, but then goes back to his old ways while the other one develops. that'll be tough, but you gotta stick with it.
Edited by R0GUECRASH: 2/5/2015 4:08:05 AMPersonally I don't have twins but I got 2 boys 2 years apart and my youngest is 8 months. He sleeps for the most part through the night! Will wake up once, but each kid is different. My oldest didn't sleep through the night till he was almost a year! Every kid is different! Congrats by the way
G'day there I have twins that are now 12 - a boy and a girl as well as an 8 year old daughter. Our twins didnt sleep through the night without a feed until they were 9 months old. So I feel for you. And once they were sleeping through it was a beautiful thing. I think that's how we ended up with a third! All kids are different and I know yours will sort themselves out in time.
Edited by ROUGE915: 2/4/2015 7:04:12 PMEvery kid is different so don't worry what other babies are doing. We found that the best thing was to just keep to a schedule as much as possible. My little one is 14 months old now and can finally fall asleep without us staying in her room with her and stays asleep most nights. My oldest slept through the night at 6 months so it's not you. Haha Good luck and nap when you can...if not coffee is your best friend.
I don't have twins, but I do have a19 month old and a new born...the oldest is trying to sleep thru the night while the youngest wakes up every few...she naps more in the morning so she is all backwards now. But to reiterate what wad said already all kids are different and a new adventure. Our newest is more relaxed than our oldest, and also doesn't sleep on our schedule, whereas the oldest used to which was awesome. But I do know what your going thru, I used to game at night when my wife would put our first born to sleep and usually feel asleep herself. Now I have to wait till about ten or later to try and game. Needless to say it's not a long term solution. I hope you are able to find a solution that works for you and your family.
Every kid is different, my son didn't start sleeping completely through the night till he was like a year and a half.
My twin daughters are 18, and yes, they caused MANY sleepless nights...it gets easier, but different as they grow older. When they were 4 I broke out my original NES and let them have their way with it on Mario World and Legend of Zelda. They've been with me on every console since then including Super NES, Nintendo 64, Sega Genesis, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox 360 and now Xbox One. One of them is a rabid Destiny player, while the other prefers Call of Duty. Girl gamers are awesome!!!
I hear you. I've got 6yo twins, boy and a girl (one and done! hahaha). The sleep thing is completely up to RNGesus. You think not getting a gjallarhorn after doing a raid 20 times is frustrating? Try not getting more than 2 consecutive hours sleep for 2-3 weeks straight!! I don't know that is any remedy for the sleep thing. Perhaps tucker them out around 4-5pm (no later, as it seems to make them more awake), so that they sleep longer. Luckily, mine slept pretty well. My son - would sleep through an earthquake during a hurricane with a tornado outside. My daughter would wake up and cry, cry, cry - and he'd never so much as shift his position. If they wake up together, it's tough. But, if only one wakes, you have 3 choices: 1) If the other one is awoken by the first's crying, you HAVE to get the awake one immediately so that the other doesn't wake up. 2) If the other sleeps through it, you can choose to get up quickly to try and get him/her back to sleep before they or you "really" wake up (you know how if you're awake more than ~5 minutes, you really wake up? but if you can go to sleep again quickly, you fall asleep easily) 3) If the other sleeps through anything, let the awake one cry for a while. This teaches them that they need to sleep, and that crying in the middle of the night won't bring you running. Good luck, Dad!
Edited by jlhosking: 2/4/2015 10:32:51 AMGood luck mate, I don't have any experience with twins but our three boys had very different sleep routines and up until 18 months the eldest was still waking up whereas the youngest has been sleeping through from 6 months. Each baby is different there isn't any point comparing what one did to another as they all develop at different time. Chin up, sleep will come and when it does you won't know what to do with yourself. A wise man once told me sleep is for the weak and childless.