Terror Australis
"Sons of Southern Darkness"
originally posted in:Terror Australis
Hi All, for the week of 03/11/2014
Please reply to the post of the day you wish to play, and write down;
- Gamer tag
- Platform
- Time you would like to play (with time zone)
- The Activity (eg VoG)
If you see someone you would like to join, reply to them with your gamer tag
If you don't see anyone who wants to do what you would like too, Write it in so people can join you.
General rules:
- Once joined your in, but snit happens. Please do your best to notify the team if you need to pull out.
- If your joining a Team to do the Raid for example, be at the right level. (don't rock up at level 20 with rare items… do the right thing)
Next weeks forum will be posted on Thursdays-Friday's for the following week
Good Luck, DittoKEG