Terror Australis
"Sons of Southern Darkness"
originally posted in:Terror Australis
Quick 2 questions for you guys,
I was doing some crucible tonight on the twilight gap map on the moon and was sniping with P&T. I nailed this one guys a few times while protecting point B and after the game I get the following message conversation.
Tyydal: gg surprised you could cap points from the far map corners while in invis
Me: I was defending b u idiot
Tyydal: well done. Putty you couldn't hide for A and C also. Then you'd be in business
Me: I had other fireteam members for those roles so i had it covered
Now my questions to everyone are:
Why can't this idiot admit that I snipped him a few times and our team flogged his ?
And how old do u think this fool is?
Just thought I might get some opinions regarding sore losers.