Terror Australis
"Sons of Southern Darkness"
originally posted in:Terror Australis
Hi All,
This is a bit of an evolution from the "raid register" idea, with the DLC coming up and a all the different events that occur in Destiny this hopefully will enable everyone to connect up and coordinate and maybe have a few laughs along the way.
So the idea is that i will post a new one of these forums every week on a Wednesday or Thursday and it will cover a week from Friday to the next Friday.
Ok, now how it works, (same as the "raid register" for the people that used it)
Want to do something? eg Iron Banner.... Make a post in the day you wish to play, with what you want to do, when you want to play (with time zone) and your gamer tag.
See some one who has posted already that they want to do the same thing? reply to their post and join up at the proposed time.
Easy right.... that's the idea. I'll keep posting these as long as we keep using them.
Cheers, DittoKeg