originally posted in:Dem Old Guys
Man can't believe how bad they screwed this up. I'm a 296 and getting my ass kicked by 307's!!! Can't change weapons it drop's my level even lower. Now they're forcing you to raid. The banner use to be my favorite part of destiny. I would grind all 3 guys to rank 5 for better gear and rewards,played for 5 hrs last night seen nothing but crap drop.
I am disapointed that its no longer end game content. Big kick in the balls for pvp'ers. Still better than regular pvp.
Did l read right, lron banna drops 310 gear?
I agree guys. At the least there should be light 300 drops not 280 crap. I am not wasting my time in banner this go around. Just going to grind for 310 exotics and raid. Already got 2 310 exotic drops just gonna push for more to level up in addition to raiding.