But my collection! I gotta finish my collection! DX
Thunderlord had been sold man ...
I have 995. How many should I save for TTK?
Tracking zur is like staring at a slot machine in vegas thinking you've found a special way to pull the lever to get better odds.
Uhm, wasn't thunder lord sold just, what, two months ago? Hard light may have been around the same time. It hasn't been that long.
its RNG if bungie controlled it they would tell us its all random dude
He has sold every RNG exotic gun - thunderlord, hardlight, all of them.
Edited by StyroHaRPO: 8/14/2015 5:44:53 PMI still check what xur has, and i literally have every exotic in the game He has sold both thunderlord and hard light
When you have over 400 coins I don't think it matters;)
You went full Broman. Never go full Broman.
Never go full retard. [spoiler]RIP ENGLISH[/spoiler] [spoiler]Xur has sold both thunderlord and hard light before.[/spoiler]
Moron alert
Don't worry, I have 600 spare coins ;)
Xur actually has sold hardlight
I have over 500 strange coins. I might just buy a 5th ghorn because I wanna support xur.