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PoE Crew

"Don't follow your dreams... Lead them."

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originally posted in:PoE Crew
8/18/2015 1:13:51 AM


SO FAR RANKS ARE 1)Group holder - AzianXenon *Just person who created the group because I lost password and such @32 POE, Crucible, Strikes 2)Co Lead - Kurosoccer12345 *Real Leader for Skillful stuff @Trials, 34 POE, Skolaf, Stike Playlist 3)Advisor - BlitherAgate *Random we just gave him a rank @Nightfall, Missions, Helper for needers, extras 4)Pet - ThndrKnght *Make sure to not anger the dog >.> @Bounties, Special Strikes ^Spelled gamer tags wrong because u can still read so who cares right^ @ MEANS main leaders of -!THIS IS ONLY FOR NOW RANKS!-

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