originally posted in:Dauntless Legion
So who here's going to be up at 2 am hitting the taken King... I know I will be if my roommates not hogging the TV, and I'll be looking for some people to play it with as well.
Roommate went to bed and I can play game the game. I will be on all Wendsay as well if everything goes right
I'm playing the legendary edition on xb1 right now I went too midnight launch
I'm on till TK comes out. Xb1 hit me up.
If you need a new clan mate and someone to play with. I'll be on at reset/ release. Send invite to gt above.
Hit me up too my GT is the same as name above
Havnt seen you in awhile raptor, how u been dude?
I know I am hit me up on xbox one if you have it my gamer tag is LV89166 hopefully they except me into the clan