originally posted in:Destiny Players PS3
I have 3 level 34s and want to play with some people - send me a friend request.
Looking for active fun clan again.
See you soon guardians. Taken King is my next step but I want to find some new friends to play with first.
Edited by Jubbs82: 3/18/2018 6:13:15 AMAdd Jubbs82 I've recently got Destiny on my PS3. I'm lvl 40 and looking for non-squeakers to go through King's Fall with (and other activities). I've done all the raids etc. on PS4.
i'm also returning to the game on ps3. looking for a active mature clan while i relearn the game. plan to do nightfalls/coe and many vanguard strikes. I Will also will be doing the legendary sword quest on warlock. Looking forward to raiding in the future. Have a headset. Have all 3 classes at level 40.Titan 325 Hunter 325 warlock 319. Thanks
Hi, We are a 3 person Fireteam looking for serious players (don't worry we still have a laugh) to complete Raids, Nightfalls, and all bigger missions. We are all level 40, all above 300+ light and very much looking forward to getting stuck into the bigger missions, just need 3 more players. All levels welcome, if your willing to play we are willing to help you level up as well, it's all about the team. Drop us a reply and we will get together and save the galaxy! Speak soon guardians.