originally posted in:Destiny Players PS3
I am a max level 40 and a light level of 333 on all 3 characters. I am looking for people to join my clan. I play on ps3. The only limitations are you must be a light level of 325 at least. contact me to join my clan. We do raids crucible and strikes. i have beat all of the raids
My PSN Smilycirus2 add me pls so I can join clan?
hi add me on psn , my nickname is: JANUSZbiznesu112
Still looking? My friend and are are 331/329. We two man crotas end, and I've done Kings End at least 150 times.
Okay I'm 300 light level and know how to do all raids but no one can do the kings fall raids right when I try and I really wanna get past 300 light level. So please gimmie a damn chance so I can get to 325. I have the black spindle and my hunter is pretty geared and I have a 312 titan