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originally posted in:Yobolievers
Edited by Yobo: 8/12/2015 6:22:01 AM

How to defeat Qodron ?

We tried to do PoE32, after the first 4 rounds (which I found pretty hard already), we had to fight Qodron. We couldn't succeed and had to bail. No way we're giving up though, cause I'm sure there is a trick on how to defeat him. I hope one of you can help me... So, bring it on guys...

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  • There's the cheap way... Find a couple of guys with Gjallarhorn and a Titan with weapons of light... Make sure you all have full rockets and have a synth ready to go for when you're out of ammo... Start of round Titan pops weapons of light then you all unload all your rockets, pop your synths then keep shooting till he dies, If that's not an option then what you should do is have the whole team book it straight away to the left or right side of the arena to one of the defensible areas.. I prefer right side personally. Use cover and focus on taking out the adds. When the Eye of Qodron spawns you want to make sure that you don't lose sight of him, but avoid killing him until the notification comes that he's looking for his targets or unless he's in danger of moving out of sight. Once someone has the jailbreak buff you want to bunch together. I find the Icebreaker makes really short work of the detain shields. Even without having the buff the IB can get you out of the shield, and the regenerating ammo is handy. Everyone should focus special weapon fire at the shields for maximum effect. Once the ads have been cleared away then you want to focus as much Damage on the boss as possible. When Running IB in my exotic slot then I like to use a high impact heavy machine gun and put as many shots on his crit as possible as well as emptying some rounds from the IB when I can. Usually once the second wave of Ads has been dealt with you should be able to finish him off... If you don't then just keep doing what you've been doing. If you're patient, careful and communicate well with your team then this fight will be a formality...

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    • Edited by Yobo: 8/20/2015 4:51:13 PM
      I wanna thank you all, we managed to the defeat Qodron pretty easy with all you tips! If any of you would like to join our clan Yobolievers... Feel free to do so! We welcome new members :)

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    • A friend and I two manned it last night. He had his 32 'lock and me on my 34 'lock. He was on constant damage duty and I was taking out the adds and taking out the eye. We were on the right side as you come into the arena. I would damage the eye until it's almost dead, then I would take out adds until the message pops up at the bottom, I would kill the eye and then run over to my buddy. Take down the shields and rinse and repeat. Should be a piece of cake once you get the rhythm down.

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    • I just have to kill him

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    • What method have you tried? What seems to break your team? I like this boss because once you get the pattern down, he is cake. Having one person on 'Eye' duty is key. Jailbreaker + Found Verdict = no worries.

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      • There a walkthroughs on YouTube. Look it up.

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        • I usually take care of the boss while the other 2 look for and take out the eye.

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          • I usually look at him and press R2.

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            • One with a sniper constantly doing damage to black atheon. One focusing on adds. And one hunting for the eye, getting the buff and turning his or her attention to adds until the bubbles show up.

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            • Edited by Wild Smurf 14: 8/12/2015 10:11:05 AM
              Super Good Advice works well for the bubbles, too. Counts as a miss, so you're not using a lot of ammo breaking through the bubble.

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            • Find the eye of what's-his-face, kill it, and have a fast firing shotgun. When it says that he is searching for targets; group up and take it down. Only use your shotguns on it (tends to take quite a bit of ammo after a while). Use a rocket and a primary on him to deal the damage. Invective is great for this. But this is only a recommendation.

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            • Go left as far as you can and camp in the corner, all 3 together. 1 guy needs a shottie. 2 snipe qodron. When it says searching targets huddle together, bubble appears shotgun it. If u can shoot the yellow goblin just b4 the bubble, do so, if not don't worry

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            • 3 Jellyhorns, 1 bubble, job done

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              • [b]Lord of Wolves[/b] shotgun is a beast for Qodron boss fight. I used it for the level 34 last week. It will rip through an enemy at close range, rip though the detainment shield & give your allies a recovery boost. Tactic: The person with Lord of Wolves will focus on killing the Qodron’s Eye. That was you get the Jailbreak damage boost. Try kill Qodron’s Eye with it or any enemy before Qodron pops the detainment shields as the Devil's Touch perks kicks in. Huddle together so your allies get the benefit of the perk and roughly 3 bursts with the Lord of Wolves will set you all free. Rinse & repeat. Other two team members focus on Qodron and adds. If you dont have a team member with Lord of Wolves then id suggest Invective as it can be fired in full auto and it re-gens ammo so you dont need to go off on any risky ammo runs. Bar that just a full auto big magazine shotgun should do the trick.

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              • This is how I do it, usually run it as a 2-3 man. Enter arena run to the right. Stay in cover and locate the Eye. Once you see him shoot his head off. This will Agro him and he'll run the the stairs to your left and you can kill him easily. Make sure you time it so that the Jail Breaker buff doesn't run out before Qodron detains you. If you run out of Jail Breaker then separate your fireteam and destroy your own detainment fields. Keep fire on Qodron when you can, making sure you find Eye and take his head out to move him towards you. Rinse and repeat. I use this every time and it works like a charm. Watch for Hobgoblins that'll try and flank your left occasionally. Weapons like Icebreaker and Fatebringer are useful for taking out the Eye and damaging Qodron

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              • Edited by Gzus: 8/12/2015 9:39:11 AM
                Go left because you have better cover and you can see the qodrons eye as soon as he spawns. Put some one on killing it duty and any time those shield balls are about to spawn group up so you can help each other out with much quickness. Then once the shields down everyone hammers down to dealing damage while the Q-eye guy keeps an eye out for him and again when he spawns you weaken him to about 1-2 hits left and as soon as he's about to spawn the bubbles kill it and get back to your huddle. Once bubble is done get back to damage dealing. Rinse and repeat.

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                • Go onto the right side and hide behind cover killing eye whenever it comes out and then as soon as targets are being searched for group up and jail breaker use shotguns to break shields then use rockets with tracking to take out qodron rinse and repeat

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                • Edited by Gabhlan: 8/12/2015 9:45:14 AM
                  Another trick is when you see Qodrons eye shoot his head off. Then he'll come to you so you don't have to risk getting your head blown off by snipers while trying to take him out. Warlock with self-res on the team is good for emergencies. It's is good to assign one person to hunt the eye. while the others hit boss and annoying snipers. Also the enemies spawn based on you damaging the boss. so another tactic is to ignore the boss and clear the enemies out then everyone concentrate of doing damage to him. Another wave of enemies will spawn clear them out and repeat. Edit: If you don't have a warlock and keep getting wiped by the shields, it might pay to leave a teammate dead ready for revival. Then when the shields come up you can revive them and they won't have a shield around them so they'll live and stop the team wiping.

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                • Run right from spawn to that cover area and the silver goblin will always come to you. Team fire him and then ADS Quodron until he's dead.

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                • shoot him then shoot shield balls that surround you shoot him again

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                • Papa Shia LeBoeuf would like to have a word with you.

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                • Edited by SmilingPhases: 8/12/2015 9:26:29 AM
                  Did it with just two last time round You need one to lay onto him and the other (s) to kill all the yellow dregs so he cant regen his health Edit Wrong boss my bad :)

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                • Edited by Alph4 Cent4uri: 8/12/2015 9:08:23 AM
                  Easiest way is 3 gally. My team beat him in under 20 seconds last night. Our strat was....... 2 34 warlocks with radiant skin and maxed armour 1 34 defender titan with maxed armour and blessings of light 3 365 gallys Before going in make sure every has full gallys and a refill ready,also everyone has their supers. After cutscene titan pops bubble and everyone fires on qodron popping in and out of the bubble. Everyone has to fire if not he won't go down,just keep firing and running back and forth in bubble then he will be dead before you know it. If you need a hand me and my gf will give you a hand just message me on x360

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                  • - good high impact shotgun - warlock with self res and ram - one guy shooting the boss the other clear adds and kill the eye .. - have gear with additional shotgun ammo And sometimes the eye is just messed up, staying on the wrong side, not showing up at all etc

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                  • Somebody should focus on killing the eye to get the jail breaker buff. This person should have a high rate of fire shotgun. (Found Verdict and Invective are recommended as they can break the bubbles without the buff).

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                  • Have one of your team use black hammer and shoot boss in centre like a silver diamand shape that's the presicion shot you will have infinite ammo and kill boss easily.

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