originally posted in:Xbox One Reddit
does anybody want to help me get these last two achievements? i have a lvl 34 titan, and warlock. max gjally (that i earned in a raid before xur sold it again). it seems damn near impossible to find anybody to do this with. pls msg: mykATL
p.s. i am still waiting to be accepted to have this as my xbox clan.
I would be down to help you with the clan based achievements, maybe not flawless because it took me and a buddy a month to do and its such a pain, but if you would like help with the other clan based achievements id help
Might be better off waiting for the DLC and trying flawless with a level 40 as the flawless raider is extremely difficult without a good group of players that are on the same page. I could give it a shot sometime, add me if you want "Fear Duck"