originally posted in:Xbox One Reddit
Hello! I'm looking to coordinate 2 others to work with me to complete the above listed quest.
Individuals would need both solar and arclight weapons to smooth over the process. A lot of guides online suggest having at least 1 hunter that go invisible and take care of the mobs in Phogoth's pit - so please post your class.
I'm a 26 Defender Titan. I'm currently at work but will be planning on doing this at or after 5:00 PM EDT (2100 UTC). I'm on reddit as superbutthurt, and obviously my GT is superbutthurt. Please message me or post here to let me know if you're interested,
I'm interested if you're still doing it - level 27 hunter - Dancer preferred sub. Gamertag ByronicRein
Down as well, but im not a hunter. 25 warlock voidwalker, ive got solar and arc weapons. gamertag: stom95
I'm down for that lvl 25 striker.