originally posted in:Xbox One Reddit
I'm a level 26 warlock (with Fireborn, woohoo!) looking to finally run the Vault of Glass.
I'm free this evening and pretty much all day Saturday and Sunday. I'm fine with joining up with another fireteam looking to run it, or I can start one up if need be.
GT is [b]xII Razer IIx[/b] (those are lower-case i's: [b]xii razer iix[/b]), feel free to add me for raiding, strikes, or whatever.
Same as above, not done yet but eager to do. add me if your interested, gt is the same as my name. i sent razer a friend request as well, have mic. I also have two others that are willing to do VoG if we have room.
Im up to start a raid this weekend, Im a 28 Warlock and I have another guy 27 Hunter. GT: Thugnificense
I'm up for it. I haven't done VoG yet, so I'm eager to. Also a Sunsinger Warlock level 27, my friend would also probably want to join as well, he's a level 26 Bladedancer Hunter. My GT is GreekGodz22, and I can pretty much do it anytime this weekend.
i'm down, i'm a 26 Titan - my gt is VengeanceFace