originally posted in:Xbox One Reddit
I'm currently a level 27 Hunter, haven't gotten a chance to level up my new exotics so ill be higher level soon. I'm pretty beast at PVP and PVE, looking for more friends to have that play Destiny. I have a mic and im 24 years old, (that matters to me because i hate squeakers). If you want someone to run VOG, PVP or Weeklys with, send me a message or friend request! Mr(space)Morgasmmm is my Xbox 1 account.
In the same boat as everyone else here all my mates are on Ps4 my game tag is the same as the user name I'm up for playing what ever.
add my gamertag. also looking for people to do the weekly strike with.
http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/380490 Here's a link for our clan page, if you're interested in joining please check us out. We have 1 Vault of Glass group running now and we have enough members to put together several more. Be sure to set yourself as a clan member after joining the page and use our group forums to get added onto our roster. Thanks! -Apri
Gamer tag same as user name I play every night add me I'll play anything anytime
Gamertag - Scaura Level 24 Wanting to level up
Hellbender3 if you can add me first please do, but when I can I'll grab you if you haven't grabbed me.
GT GroundZer08 looking for raids/nightfall/weekly
I'd like to play, DAMNITWALTER 27 hunter, 26 yrs old
GT is Saint44, add me. I try to do 3 VoGs and nightfalls a week. Need to do one more VoG today if ur down.
GT Fatha Naycha. I'm open for all of the above.
Add me my gamertag: WockAsOne VOG and weekly heroic people
Level 27 warlock looking to do raids and strikes. Gamer tag ernesto2025
Add me I'll add back
I'm a level 26 Warlock add Flux Gremlin if you want to play.
I'll add the GT's i was given, i forgot to add, i'm stationed in texas right now with the air force. I'm in Florida tonight but ill be back in texas tomorrow, so i'll send or accept friend requests tomorrow when i get home! Thanks everyone! :) If i join a clan, i need to be confident they aren't terrible! :)
Dilbert23 ; vog weekly daily crucible pve and farming mainly looking for guys to join our clan to give us viable options for different play styles.[/quote]
I'll add you up right away. Me, myself and I are 22 years old, and I love doing PvE stuff. I can be talked into PvP, and I don't suck at it (that much). My gamertag is Roab. My timezone is UTC (+01:00). VoG is something I still have to explore, but I'll do my homework (watch walkthroughs/tactics) on YouTube once I get the chance to actually run it - perhaps with you?
Will add you tonight good sir if you don't mind. I have 2/3 friends who are all 22 (school friends) based in Worcester, UK who play but need more people to play with. We run the raid every week but normally have to pick up squeakers or scrubs off the forum. Would be nice to have a solid 6 we could get together every week and complete VoG!
Champions of the NewOrder is clan dedicated to raiding and teamwork on weekly strikes. Feel free to join if you have a mic and good attitude towards cooperative play! Everyone here is friendly and we have players on multiple time zones!
Add c0nt3ssa