originally posted in:Xbox One Reddit
none of my friends play destiny, level 24 hunter wanting to progress. love to do weekly lvl 22 and 26 strike for coins. username is cecret please add me i'll help with whatever i can
27-29 warlock GT Fatha Naycha... Looking for potential clan mates and general fire-team members. Down for anything
im also looking for actives to game with. feel free to send me a friend invite. im down for raids, weeklys, crucible, dailys, w/e. send an invite xCtrl
Also looking for people to play with. GT: xShawshkyx
yeah ill get on this add me iff you still on El Mack6
i wanna get in on this , 25 warlock, GT: crazy monkeypig
Ill hit you up cause I need a person or 2 to do the weeklys. GT: ASoTV Ronco