Hello, Guardian! You seem to be a bit lost. #Gaming is for the discussion of games other than Destiny. You’re looking for #Recruitment, so let me help you out with a handy directory: Would you like to search for parties to do Raids? Try here: http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Topics/0/Default/None/%23Recruitment%20%23Raids How about Weekly Heroics and the sort? How about here: http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Topics/0/Default/None/%23Recruitment%20%23Heroics Are you looking to team up for some crucible pub stomping? Stop away: http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Topics/0/Default/None/%23Recruitment%20%23Crucible Or are you just looking for clan members? They have that too: http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Topics/0/Default/None/%23Recruitment%20%23Clans As well, you can just visit the general [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Topics/0/Default/None/Recruitment]#Recruitment[/url] forum if something somehow doesn’t fall under any of these categories, but you’re still looking for people. If you would like to dicuss Destiny in general, please visit [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Topics/0/Default/None/Destiny]#Destiny[/url] instead. There are also numerous Destiny sub forums that you can find [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Categories]here[/url]. [b][u]And please, edit your post to change the location of it. Do this by clicking edit, scrolling down to “Choose a forum category” and selecting Recruitment.[/u][/b] Thanks again, Guardian! See you out in the wild!
[b]Please use the #Recruitment forum when looking for other players. You'll get a better response there. #Gaming is meant for discussion of games other than Destiny. And #Destiny is meant to discuss things about Destiny. To move your post, tap on it, tap on the three dots on the lower right corner and hit edit. There you can change the tag from #Gaming to #Recruitment. Thanks.[/b]
Hey do you want to join me in the weekly strike perhaps? I dont have a mic though