Thanks guys!! Sorry for not adding anyone yet. Been getting home from work 10 PM + PST and crashing.
Level 29 Titan and Hunter would love to join. I only ran the VOG once up until the 3rd checkpoint. Add me RolaRR. Only issue is finding time to do this. I'm usually on at night around 9-10 pm. I'll be online most of the day Friday EST if anyone is interested or around.
Im also a first time raider. I would be more then happy to help out. Im a lvl29 warlock. My gamertag is the same as my username (the "I" in nothing is a lower case "L")
Thanks, Unity. Will still be at work unfortunately. Will add you anyway and if our times sync up maybe we can play. :)
If you all are still looking for someone come 4:30 or 5:00 pm central, I'd be down. First time raider, lvl 29 warlock. Gamertag same as username
I'm a level 27, almost 28 Warlock. I would love to help too, it would be my first time also. Send me a message once you get a group ready!
Bromek PL, will gladly raid with You, for the first time. Warlock or Hunter, 28 lvl.