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originally posted in:Xbox One Reddit
Edited by CommanderJ0ker: 1/21/2015 3:28:19 AM

LF Level 32 Players for Crota HardMode on Wednesday

As the title states, I am looking for Level 32 players who want to tackle Crota Hard Mode on Wednesday, around 2:00PM Pacific. The hardmode comes out at 10:00AM Pacific time zone. If you're looking to join, message me on Xbox ASAP and on Wednesday, between 1:30 and 2:00PM. It would be nice to get a few warlocks, since they have self res. I'm a level 32 Titan myself. Variety of classes would be sweet. Hope to hear back from a few of you.

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  • I'm also looking to run first thing on release. 32 lock with maxed ghorn, ib, vex, etc... GT: MenstrualSlug if anyone has a slot open.

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    • Lvl 32 hunter maxed ghorn ib etc would love to play

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      • Lvl 32 warlock (both sub classes maxed) I have maxed gjallarhorn, maxed black hammer, maxed Crotas hunger, maxed icebreaker. All are 331 and have lots of synthesis. I have a mic and lots of raid experience. GT is same as name. I'll be on looking to do crota hard mode around 1:30-2pm EST. Replied to the wrong post haha

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        • This is a message for all people Interested in Crota’s End hard-core. We all are awaiting for Crota’s end raid on hard tomorrow and for prep we all want to at least have a few guardians ready for it when it releases, if you aren’t in a group or maybe you were but you’re group started it without you and want a “back up group” then maybe you could, feel free to either drop you GT along with you’re level and class below or message me on Xbox for a direct response. There are a few criteria points, which might need to be met -Will require being level 32, however it there may be room for level 31s as well, just seeing how this will turns out. -Will need to be experienced with the raids and understand each step and what to do would help. If you’re not then maybe we can still roll with it. -You will need a mic and be able to talk when required if you prefer to stay quite that’s fine but be ready to communicate with fellow guardians at any point with tips, idea’s and callouts, We won’t bite, hopefully we can make the session serious but fun. - You mustn’t be too reckless, if you die, no worries we all die sometimes but unless the team is wiping, please don’t actively seek out your death for no reason -Equipment matters; you’ll need a trustful primary, special and rocket. Doesn’t matter if it’s a gallant gjallarhorn or a shiny vex or a Hezen vengeance just make it good. If you’re interested, again, drop you GT, level and class below or send a Message to me on Xbox and I’ll directly responded. You will be sent a “Short term” friend request. After the Crota raid you will have the free choice of our friendship status. And it will be sorts of a “first come first served” so if you’re on close by release time, we’ll check if you still in and invite you. If you have more than yourself than feel free to invite them along to but remember, they will need to fit the criteria above as well. For xbox message GT – Jesterjet Ben GT - MrBombingGames

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          • Thanks for the replies- i'm adding alot of you to my list and messaging you. As I said, I am lookin to play around 1:30PM and 2:00PM. If you are not interested in those times, please let me know. Obviously wanting experience, mic and level 32. Lets kick some butt!

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          • 32 inv plz

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            • Edited by ThickUncleD: 1/21/2015 1:59:52 AM
              Lvl 32 gt is dasandval hunter

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              • Lvl 32 warlock xbox one. GT- ATsquared09 Lvl 32 warlock xbox one GT - YoderBix We both of good experience doing crota raid and we will both be on at the release time hit us up if you need extra people for your groups

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                • 32 hunter, 331 weapons, plenty of them. I want to go AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Message me if interested

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                  • Been looking for dedicated raid group for hard raid. Hmu. Lvl 32 Warlock. GT : C0D eSports ( zero in c0d )

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                    • I am also looking to get a team together for a 7:00 est wed night. I'm a level 32 Hunter if anyone is interested leave psn and I'll send request. Keep on grinding guardians!!

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