originally posted in:Xbox One Reddit
Trying to come up with a pool of low stress, casual players.
The vision is to help each other in raids, bounties, nightfall, etc. All with a low level of stress. If it takes you 10 trials to make the jump puzzle in VoG, we laugh about it rather than kicking you out.
If you want to join this cooperative, easy going group, please comment with your GT.
Feel free to add me. GT: EduPagani
GT: xPARCEROx Glad I finally found a group like this. Sent in request for addition. Have lvl 34 Hunter, lvl 33 Titan and lvl 32 Warlock.
Finally, invite anytime guys, it'd be great to play with normal people for once! GT: Legendary Salt
If you need 1 for nightfall, 34 Titan
GT: Frostitips I'm rocking a lvl 27 Titan, but the warlock's ready for leveling up xD
GT: SilverRocket409 hunter:30 titian: 12 i think :/ Warlock: not created. dont believe in magic xD
GT:Mirage3d I'm get back into the game, level 19 Hunter
Edited by NinjaDarkovia: 8/9/2015 10:08:02 AMGT: NinjaDarkovia. I have never done any NF on my XB1. Recently I bought TTK Digital Collector's Edition for my XB1. Im a lvl 30 Warlock. My tinezone is GMT +8. But I'm experienced in Destiny as I have played it on my PS4:) I just want to meet friendly guardians that afe willing to land a helping hand.I do not have a mic but do inv me to your party chat:)
GT:asap_yames Willing to play and help anyone please add and let's get some raids done
GT: Young_CJAY Lvl 32 Titan. I have yet to do any raids. I have both expansions. I do have a mic. Looking to do raids nightfall or prison of elders. Looking forward to some fun
I'm looking for a PvE clan to join. Low stress makes it even better! GT is [u]JusTakeTheMelon [/u]. 34 Hunter, Warlock, and Titan.
hey looking to join here level 34 hunter working on a level 12 titan (future defender) gt is oufan141992 central time add me!!!
Edited by Fluurr: 7/20/2015 8:10:23 AMI'm super new so hopefully I can get up to your levels to play with you! My GT is Fluur, lvl 6 Warlock
Sebas67 Titan LVL 28 striker, currently working on bubble subclass. Also don't have any of the expansions yet.
Sounds like what I've been looking for, 32 each class please add. GT same as name
GT: Raw JmF This sounds exactly what I need. Would be grateful to be added to this group Titan 34 Hunter 33
Lol 34 all classes with decent gear looking for a solid group that plays early morning late nights in central time zone pop or over I'm down mSG GT Killatoast76 on Xbox 1 let's game on and help each other out.
GT : TheUltimatePie1. Lvl 24 Warloclk. I play around 3 to 5 hrs a day. Would love to have a team of funny people to do strikes!
Edited by one recruit: 7/3/2015 5:16:52 PM34 Titan 33.5 Titan 34 hunter Some max weapons Gt one recruit
GT: ryebred1 Warlock Lvl 32 I've mostly gone solo since majority of my friends aren't playing destiny. I've never done a raid and have been wanting to do one; only problem is I usually don't have hours to devote (have wife and kid duties to take care of).
[quote] If it takes you 10 trials to make the jump puzzle in VoG, we laugh about it rather than kicking you out.[/quote] That sounds like me. Let's see if you can live up to that ;) GT pbjorklund
anyone on right now?
Looking for people to do house of wolves dlc with I just got it and I'm looking for anyone to play with, I'd prefer if you had a mic too but I really don't care if you don't GT: iHuntForShrooms Msg if you want an invite
[quote]Trying to come up with a pool of low stress, casual players. The vision is to help each other in raids, bounties, nightfall, etc. All with a low level of stress. If it takes you 10 trials to make the jump puzzle in VoG, we laugh about it rather than kicking you out. If you want to join this cooperative, easy going group, please comment with your GT. Feel free to add me. GT: EduPagani Titan LVL 33 Hunter LVL 33 Warlock LVL 30 https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/986060[/quote] Level 33 hunter lfg to do some bounties on xbox one gt: scorpionx1000
leighsam84 level32 hunter
GT: McTroma lvl 32 Titan PoE 32 or any raid, add me!