originally posted in:Xbox 360 Reddit
Hello Guardians:
I am currently recruiting for my clan Epic Squat Thrustz (i know its ridiculous lol). We have a core group of about 10 or so active, hardcore players who are willing to raid and do Pvp at any time of day. We are currently trying to put together weekly groups for Trials of Osiris and Kings Fall Hard and Normal mode. We wish that every member of our clan has fun and comes out of any experience more knowledgeable about the game. If anyone is interested in joining or wants to know more; msg Th3 Hanged M4n on Xbox 360. Thank you for your time.
Plz can i join. im a reely active player
Hey there, just came back from a 6mo break, currently lvl 30 have 10 days off around xmas at work, will be making push to be 40 before then, and gear up massively. looking for active clan to start raids and such with, have mic and pretty good at these games :)
Hey Hanged man shoot me a message on 360 i would like to join Im on chrismas break for a while so looking to game, im really good in trials and know how to do raid, have a mic, yada yada yada inv: bharath 69
Hey, I woud love to join the clan. I recently started playing Destiny (about 3-4 weeks ago). I have 2 chars, both 302. Hunter and Warlock. I have done all of NM KF, and a few bosses of HM KF (I did the Warpriest Challenge, I should be done with the Golg challenge in the next day or so). I have done a few trials runs, but nothing serious, just casual/bounties. I am having issues finding people to play with! Joining a clan would eleviate those issues! My IGN is KingKiefz
yer ill join if thts ok ill help people wth raids, nightfalls, weeklys and the rest also i need help my self wth kf hard mode my gt DA BOYZ90 and ill send u a msg on xbox at like 12:00 so look forwad to tlkin to u
I sent you a request on 360 my GT is SwazieD and I'm currently admin of a clan but they all moved to Xbox One so I would love to join your clan....
I'm up for it