XThe Knights TemplarX
"United we stand against evil."
originally posted in:XThe Knights TemplarX
So...Thorn...one of the most debated weapons in Destiny. It's name rings in the ears of everyone who plays Destiny and we all know it's pros and cons. But even still...the answer of it's quality still remains in question. Of course it has the burn, well sized magazine/clip and the impact power of a semi truck on the highway but lets not forget the reloads...OMG the reloads! You will reload this gun so many times it will drive you insane and on top of that let's just say it's not the fastest reloading gun, okay? It does decent damage to Vex and Cabal but you eat it against Hive and you most certainly don't want to get caught in the middle of a reload or with low ammo like what happens quite often. It headshots like a rifle and if you have something that gives active radar then you are nearly unstoppable. For me, I'm personally all for Thorn. I think it's a gun that you should always have on hand on the character that you are playing whether on PvE or PvP. Oh by the way...did I mention it's PvP capabilities? Thorn absolutely destroys on Crucible and even when you do die if you happened to get 2 shots off then you have a post-mortem coming your way. So...what are your thoughts?