PSN: BRUTRIZZLE TimeZone: PST Mic: Yes Playing when wife isn't home lol!
PSN: neji213 Timezone: PST Playing afternoons
PSN: PrattleSnakeVenm Mic: Yes, SteelSeries Siberia Time zone: PST Anxiously awaiting day 1! I'm primarily a PvE player but I'm happy to jump into the crucible (or Iron Banner) if there's a group forming.
PSN: MrComicalName Have mic GMT
Edited by Rageaholic23: 7/31/2014 4:50:44 AMJust found the group, but wanted to get ready for launch day. PSN is RickRagePhD (PS4) Timezone is US EST Hunter I have a mic.
PSN: DarkReptile Mic: Yes, turtle beach Timezone: GMT +1 Playing on PS4, im 27 years old.
PSN :All7ofthem Have a mic as well.
PSN: Rynne84 Timezone: GMT Playing most evenings and some weekends. I have the mic which came with PS4, but may not be able to use it everytime (family life huh) I will be playing hunter (for the cool hooded cloak!) Add me anytime anywhere, looking forward to fighting alongside you all.
Edited by xIVWIx: 7/19/2014 1:29:15 PMPsn: xIVWIx Timezone:GMT+1 Have a mic
Edited by Wookin Awesome: 7/18/2014 1:50:11 PMPsn id: Wookin_Awesome Mic: came with ps4 Time zone: GMT
PSN: noefah Mic: it came with my ps4 so yus Timezone: EST
Edited by MephilezTheDark: 7/16/2014 9:52:09 PM[b]MephilezTheDark[/b] PSN: MephilezTheDark Time Zone: EST Hope to see u all ingame i know i wont be able to sleep today XD
Edited by WOODIE-m3: 7/16/2014 9:40:08 PMPSN: WOODIE-m3 PST California Will have a mic
PSN: Daneyrivera Ill be using my headset as well, i know alot of our clanmembers that i know irl basically live and sleep in their headsets lol
PSN ; The_Badass_Panda ,have a headset so I can communicate and looking for active gaming?
PSN: c4badman Timezone: US PST (California) Will have a mic as well!