Hi there! Let me introduce myself, I am Moxxyyy and I am the founder of Terror Americus! I am really please to meet you. We are a big community that accept evrybody. We are friendly, always happy to help everybody. Soon, Raid clinic will be on so you we can help people get better in the different raid or Destiny event I can honestly said, that everybody is getting close to each other. We have numerous clan page on a app call Line where we can have fun and relax and share whatever we want. We recently recruit a HUGE ammount of people. But we will still stick to our moto and I can guarantee you that You will always find somebody to play with. If it is not in Americus, remember that Terror has 3 other branch. So whatever the timezone you will be in there will always have somebody on! Hope it helps you and Hope you will run with us soon! Moxxyyy